REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES + KEY (2º BACHILLERATO) Exercise 1. REPORTED SPEECH - Change the following sentences into Reported or Direct Speech. PERSONAL PRONOUNS AND POSSESIVE ADJECTIVES. 1º ESO-Here you are some online exercises to practice the OBJECT PRONOUNS, the PERSONAL PRONOUNS and the POSSESIVE ADJECTIVES.
bueno!! Pues si me queríais, ya es demasiado tarde, porque ya me he ido, jeje. No sé yo si podré ir a despedirme porque trabajo por la mañana pero que sepais que yo también os apreciaba, y mucho, pero en fooooondo de mi corazón, jajaja. 1ST TERM - Página Jimdo de cristinasantavictoria fromm active to passive answers Chicos aquí tenéis resueltas las 60 primeras oraciones de activa a pasiva para que podáis repasar para el examen de evaluación. FROM ACTIVE TO PASSIVE ANWERS.pdf Reported Speech Exercise 4 - Perfect English Grammar Reported Speech Exercise 4. Here's a mixed exercise about reported speech - it includes statements, questions, orders and requests. Review all reported statments, questions, orders and requests here; Download this quiz in PDF here; More reported speech exercises here
REPORTED SPEECH PRACTICE FOR 4 ESO + keys / Practicamos el Estilo Indirecto 1.- Translate the following direct sentences in Spanish into English; Then, change the English sentences into the Indirect or Reported Speech: / Traduce las frases del español al Inglés en estilo directo, después transforma las frases resultantes al estilo Indirecto. 4º ESO | Eugenia Sanchez's Blog GRAMMAR PRACTICE PRESENT SIMPLE / PRESENT CONTINUOUS. These are exercises to rewrite sentences and make questions for the answers given. Then you can correct them on your own. PRESENT SIMPLE - PRESENT CONTINUOUS PRESENT SIMPLE - PRESENT CONTINUOUS (KEY) PAST SIMPLE / PAST CONTINUOUS 1 (INTERACTIVE) PAST SIMPLE / PAST CONTINUOUS 2 (INTERACTIVE) PAST … Reported speech - Requests - English Grammar Reported speech - Requests :: Learn English online - free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on English language. Requests in Reported Speech. For pronouns and place / time expressions see statements in reported speech.
Here are 10 exercises to help you practice and learn about reported Speech using mixed English tenses. Improve your understanding of reported speech here. Here are 10 exercises to help you practice and learn about reported Speech using mixed English tenses. Improve your understanding of reported speech here. QUESTION)TAGS)),)EXERCISES) - My English Classes QUESTION)TAGS)),)EXERCISES)!!!! Add)the)tag)questions:)! 1. She!is!from!asmall!town!in!China,!_____?! 2. They!aren’ton!their!way!already,!_____?! Reporting verbs - Test English Reporting verbs Reporting verbs are used to report what somebody said, like promise, say, ask, admit, etc. And we normally classify these verbs into different groups depending on the structure they can be found in.In the grammar chart below you can see the most common reporting verbs and how they are used. 195 FREE Reported Speech Worksheets - Busy Teacher
1º de Bachillerato - REPORTED SPEECH
Reported Speech - YouTube Oct 15, 2014 · Learn all about reported speech or indirect speech! Reported speech or indirect speech is used to report something that someone said in the past. Practice he Reported questions, Online Exercise - English Reported questions in English, Questions, Question, Online Exercises. Task No. 2325. Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it … Reported Speech Mixed Exercise - GrammarBank Reported Speech Mixed Exercise. Subject Explanations: Reported Speech Convert the sentences below from direct to indirect speech (reported speech). 1. The teacher to me: “Have you ever studied abroad?” For exercises, you can reveal the answers first ("Submit Worksheet") and print the page to have the exercise and the answers.